Merintis sebuah bisnis bisa menjadi sebuah hal yang tricky. Apa lagi kalau benar-benar baru memulai bisnis pertama kali tanpa ada pengalaman sebelumnya. Nah, disini kita mau bagi-bagi tips nih buat Founders untuk mengembangkan bisnis kalian dengan pesat.
Don’t worry, Founders, tips ini bukan tips yang rumit untuk kalian lakuin kok. Here are 10 things you can immediately do to make your business better:
- Optimize your website for mobile users
- Set up a referral program to incentivize word-of-mouth marketing
- Create an email marketing campaign to stay in touch with customers and prospects
- Set up social media profiles for your business and post regularly
- Automate repetitive tasks to save time and increase efficiency
- Focus on building customer relationships and providing exceptional customer service
- Implement a system for tracking and analyzing your business metrics
- Build a network of mentors, advisors, and industry peers to provide support and guidance
- I regularly review and update your business plan to stay on track and adapt to changing circumstances
- Take time for self-care and personal development to ensure you’re operating at your best
Tips-tips ini adalah tips sederhana tapi punya impact besar terhadap bisnis kita. Sering kali kita kelupaan sama hal-hal ini. Yuk langsung terapin semua yah!
Baca juga: Make New Network in Your Lunch Time And Create New Opportunity!